Thursday, November 10, 2011

Honesty and Weird quotes???

Well, my 6th paper is over yesterday so I'm so close to FREEDOM that I can almost taste it!!! Now, the wait shall begin since my fate is in the hands of hopefully a really kind and generous examiner somewhere in UK and if you're the unlucky one to get the paper with the really messy ballpoint written exam script which might be mine, here's a little tip before you read my essay, take two aspirins and calm yourself before the nightmare begins... That's all I can say right now...

Sorry for the messy writing but I did my best to write whatever I could vomit out at that time...No, there's no actual vomit on my papers because that would be disgusting but maybe just a little blood since the exam was a little like a battlefield to me...Hehe!! Sorry about that but it's not a war without a little bloodshed...

My precious survived after a day in the 'hospital' and going through surgery so HURRAY!!! It's ALIVE again!!! Looks like my kill list just got shorter by one object that I thought I killed but it didn't die...
What was I supposed to be doing??? Right, studying for the worst nightmare that I'll face this year... Another Economics paper but it's brutal this time... You know what's worse than going through the Core Chapters for a whole year??? Going through the Supplement Chapters at the same time and not having a clue on what I'm learning...

Did I seriously learn all this in a year??? How come I can't remember anything when I had attended all the classes like a good girl would since I had ditched classes in my High School years but it's a secret so SHHH!!!

And quote of the day???

"Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. It's just that yours is stupid."

And to prove my point,

Yeah, let's talk about dumb questions and sayings that a person can say to make a fool out of yourself...The word that really bugs me these days from a guy is "HI!"

Yes, it seems weird to hate the word for no apparent reasons but the thing is that's all they say!!! That's my BIG problem with the word!!! Hi and that's it??? I mean seriously??? Would it kill you to ask me how I am or how's life??? And welcome to the mysterious world of the guys' minds since the only words they can say to someone they haven't talked to for ages is hi...

Okay, I get it that guys might try to beat me up for that but honestly, why just hi???And next, comes the truth game...

Here's a situation where a girlfriend is trying on her new pair of jeans and her boyfriend is with her. The problem is the girl doesn't look good in the jeans so what now???
Girl: What do you think?
Guy: look great today.
Girl: I mean does this pants make me look fat???

Well, here's the option for the guy to respond and the consequences of it... First, he could be honest and tell her she looks fat and risk losing his life in the process or tell her a lie... Yes, a little white lie to save his butt from being killed...

Well, there are actually two types of girls in this world which are the ones who accept only the 'truth' and the ones who accept the ugly truth... And I'm one of those in the latter category so hit me with the truth, man!!! Yes, I am a liar myself so I don't like chocolate covered lies from anyone so why can't you just say what's on your mind for once???Yes, next time you come up to me and say hi only, don't expect to walk out alive unless you have 9 lives because there's more to life than a simple "HI".

Like I said, honesty is the best times....Just make sure you're unbreakable if the truth really is ugly... Hehe!!!

Until next time, I'd better dig out that baseball bat and buy myself a spade to bury some bodies for the next person who doesn't have anything else in his dictionary.... Sad but true....


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