Monday, December 19, 2011

Boys are Complicated and Weddings???

Yeah, I just realized something bad about myself.

I’M NOSY and I care too much…

Yeah, I ask too many questions and some of them aren’t exactly smart questions so yeah, I can’t win the trophy for the smartest questions of 2011 but hey, I can’t help it. I’m curious and we all know what curiosity did to the cat…

And I think too much about other people’s problems when it doesn’t even involve me!!! Why are other people’s problem even in my head and occupying my low brain space???

SEE??? Now that explains why I’m not scoring in my exams because I’m busy minding other people’s business…

And I finally came up with the song that I’m going to sing for my wifey’s wedding even if she doesn’t want me to sing and kill everyone at her wedding…

I love Christina Perri’s “ A Thousand Years” so yeah, I think that’s the perfect song to sing…In case you’re wondering, I’m planning for a wedding that may take place in about 7 years…Or maybe 10 years time so yeah, I have plenty of time to choose a song to torture my wifey’s potential husband and her many, many guest….

Life is so sweet at times…

And not to sound like a sexist but what is the real deal with guys?

First, you want to talk but you don’t make any effort to come up and talk. Then, you want to exchange numbers to text but you don’t even attempt to try starting the conversation so what’s my number saved in your phone for??? Seriously, this boy language is getting on my nerves!!!

What is your problem, boy??? You're worse than my add maths equation and even I managed to do well in that subject for my SPM so imma give you a kick if you keep this up!!!

Pfff....this is really bugging me that I think I'm gonna get white hairs soon!!! Stop this weird twisted game of yours because I don't think it's really funny at all...

Yeah, I'm an average girl stuck in this really complicated world and you had to make my life harder, didn't you???

And why do I feel like I'm just there to talk to when you have nothing else better to do???

Yeah, if only Juliet and Romeo were alive in the modern world, she would be changing her status from single to in a relationship, thanks to a certain Romeo and their families...Most likely she would even be updating her status about her nights out with Romeo...

Day 1

Romeo, Romeo, where far are thou, Romeo???

And Romeo would probably like it...

Or maybe even...

Gonna do something dangerous tonight and I'll upload pictures of me looking like a corpse after everything...Wish me luck!!!

Yeah, now I see why Shakespeare lived in the past and not no because that would be weird... And Romeo and Juliet could probably Facebook chat, Tweet or even Myspace each other without anyone knowing... That would be the weirdest love story...

This is really funny and I hope Facebook will have these new relationship status soon!!!

And I had to put this picture here because it's funny except for the fact that I'm actually a left handed so yeah, I must be way bored to be doing this...

And finally, a book for both sides to figure the opposite sex...I think I should get this book because the title is pretty catchy...

How do people even except to find true love when we can't even understand each other???

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