Sunday, July 31, 2011

Friendship isn't a GAME!!!

Okay, I know life can be tough at times but why do some people have to give others a hard time??? I find that so funny because it's weird to me on wasting so much effort to hurt someone else when you can focus on things to better yourself... Like I met a few people like that in my life and it's the worst thing to do to a person...

Here are a few things to NEVER do to another...

1. Ignore them

What do you gain out of ignoring a person??? It's like you decide that you're too good for that person and you don't feel the need to be friends with them...Hello?? Have you ever heard of being a considerate person??? It's called being friendly to build bridges and hopefully it blooms and you have friends in the future..Friends are easy to find but not TRUE friends so don't burn bridges even before you know that person...

2. Insult them

Friends are like the beams in life and we should never try to break it down or the whole house will collapse... Do not try to hurt them by saying/posting/telling them that they aren't good enough for you because you might as well stab them in the back rather than to do that....Stop misusing Technology for evil and try to spread LOVE around...I believe in EQUITY and I hope you people do too...


You can't pick a friend like choosing a product of the shelf in a shopping centre because TRUE friendship are hard to find...I'm sorry if you thought that it was that easy but try finding a friend who listens and talks to you and shows even a ounce of concern on the streets...I told you it won't be easy... Don't make your friends choose between two friends because it's like choosing to live with either your father or your mother...That's a tough call for many people...

The thing is I believe that friends should accept each other for who them are and don't try to change each other because it should be a SIN to do that....YES, it is A SIN to me because friendship is too precious and we shouldn't throw away another person's natural beauty inside which makes them BEAUTIFUL!!! I don't think friends should try to be on a HIGHER level that their other friends because who said that friendship was based on ranks??? That's called being a bully because friends do NOT try to pick another above the others....Friends love to be with each other to talk and have fun...Not to show off and talk about themselves and their GRAND life...

Friends do NOT lie to each other and talk bad of another friend just to satisfy their appetite...And the GOLDEN RULE of FRIENDSHIP is to NEVER ABANDON ANOTHER!!! Yes, friends should always be involved and be told of new updates rather than finding out from another....Outings and trips ahould include ALL FRIENDS even if you're not so close to them because the trip might strengthen the bond and you may find a lot of things in common...Imagine a friend who has been left out from her other friends and she finds out of an event taking place but she/he wasn't invited, how would that friend feel??? Devastated??? Betrayed??? Hurtful??? Unimportant??? More like all of the above...Not a nice feeling, huh???

So, remember to tell or show your friends that you do care for them...Call/ text them to find out how's life...Listen to their problems and try to advice them... Say something nice to them to keep them happy....Do something nice like celebrate their birthday...I love my friends!!!


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