Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Sexy, Latin Speaking Shrek Me???

What picture could they possible be talking about??? I have no clue at all...Sorry, my friends are discussing about a picture that they took of me last year that they think I look sexy in the picture and I was like SERIOUSLY??? What happened to my friends because sexy and me do not belong together in the same sentence unless the line was "You do not look sexy in that picture!!!"...But no!!! The sentence went along the line of "You looked so sexy in that picture" and I was speechless!!!

Did my friends knock their heads or something??? I mean honestly I do not see myself as those trying to be sexy type...More like a little figure showing but not too much type is definitely my alley because yeah, I am a female and girls are meant to show off just a little...

I think I like those really pretty flowery patterns like with those soft colors to match...Now, I hate pink and any color related to pink but I can't hate it on certain clothings because it makes me feel girlish and pretty at times...I think most girls would like that too...

I need to stop blogging too much because I should be studying for my course...I should be studying econs now but honestly, I feel like I am reading Latin because I seem to have no clue how to understand this concept...My brain is like officially dead or switched off...I completed my Contract assignment already but I need to complete my Economics...Latin is the dead language right??? See how tough it seems to me??? I need a translator and fast...

What happened to my new driving instructor anyway??? Why isn't he contacting me??? Maybe he heard of my "awesome" driving and decided to calm him heart down first...Call me soon or I might find you, master...Hide from me you cannot but run away you can...I sound like Master Yoda now...If only I was short and green like him...Wait, not Shrek because I seriously have no thing for an ogre...No offense...Why do people say that right before they insult you anyway???

My friends are being as random as always and I miss them so much...They keep updating their status with really random things but I guess it is normal since we rarely meet since last year...I hate school ending because Bye Bye friends...


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